Exercise of the Week: 90/90 Stretch

Luke Lewitzke
Certified A.C.E. (American Counsel on Exercise) Personal Trainer
Weight and Lifestyle Management Specialist

The 90/90 Stretch is a great hip mobilizer. Its main function is to work on both hip external and internal rotation as the front leg is externally rotated while the back leg is internally rotated. As a result, the 90/90 stretch primarily stretches the glutes, piriformis, and hip abductors of the front leg, while also stretching the psoas and hip adductors of the back leg.
Performing the 90/90 Stretch
- Sit tall on the floor with your knees bent and feet out in front of you.
- Let your right leg externally rotate, dropping your knee to the floor.
- With your knee bent at 90 degrees, bring your lower leg across your body.
- Next internally rotate your left leg, bringing your leg back behind you.
- Make sure that your right lower leg and left thigh are parallel to each other.
- Hold this stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then switch your leg positions.

90/90 Stretch with Bolster
If you are unable to get your front knee to the floor, you can use a bolster such as a pillow or yoga block or some other object to place under your knee. This will also help you maintain proper alignment with your lower leg in relation to the upper thigh of the back leg.
- Don’t perform the 90/90 Stretch if you experience knee pain. Try using the bolster to see if that alleviates the pain.